Escuela José Vasconselos
This school is located in the city of Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán, west and south of central Oaxaca. It is a bilingual school in that it teaches in Spanish and an indigenous language which could be Mixe, Mixtec, Zapotec, etc. There are about 150 children at this school. The school has a hot lunch program for the children, which is not common in that area, and some of the produce and vegetables served at lunch are grown in the school’s garden.
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A proposal to establish a computer lab in this school was put forward by Kids on Computers® volunteers who live in the area. The board of directors approved the proposal in early 2016 and the lab was established that year.
Volunteers from the United States traveled to Mexico in June 2016 and brought a lot of the lab’s computer equipment with them. This is the first Kids on Computers® school lab to consist completely of Raspberry Pi3 workstations.
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