Kids on Computers Installfest – March 16th

We are having a Kids on Computers Installfest on Saturday, March 16th in Sherman Oaks, CA from 11AM – 6PM. A local high school in Topanga, California donated 80 laptops they were no longer using to Kids on Computers. We have shipped 20 of these laptops to Colegio Britanico, a …

Back to Huajuapan de León

A small group of volunteers from Kids on Computers returned to Huajuapan de León in October 2012 to update existing school labs, open a new lab, and train teachers. We had great support from the school administrators, teachers, parents, and local volunteers. Schools After spending a few days visiting schools …

México – Tlaxiaco CAM 27

On September 15 and 16, we set up a computer lab in Tlaxiaco. This center is of special importance, because this lab is to help children with disabilities. This school is a Centro de Atención Múltiple (CAM). In México these centers try to help children with disabilities by providing better …

Working on computers in Huajuapan over the weekend

Over the weekend, Hermes and some of his friends worked on the computers donated by “Caja Popular Mexicana”. From Hermes: Talking with Kees, another volunteer, we decided that the best way to use these computers is with LTSP. The computers are older and many don’t have a hard disk or …

Need your help to get computers to Mexico!

Would you like to help install computers in Mexico or Argentina? We are looking for volunteers to help set up several computer labs. No time? Consider helping out with money for shipping computers. With help from many of you,we set up our first computer lab in a disadvantaged elementary school …

Kids On Computers Prepares for Argentina

System76 and Kids On Computers team up to prepare computers going to a lab we’re sponsoring in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Computers are due to arrive in June of 2010. Kids On Computers received hardware donations from several high-tech companies in the Colorado area to support this new lab.  Around 30 …

Parents were key to getting their school a computer lab

Parent support was essential in getting a computer lab set up at the 18 de Marzo elementary school in Huajuapan. 18 de Marzo has a strong PTA that actively supports the school. This woman is responsible for getting the new building set up. The new building houses a computer lab, …